Sunday, 2 February, 2025
Shenzhou-19 Commander Reflects on Mid-Mission Progress, Says Good to Be Back to Space Station
Sunday, 2 February, 2025. Internationalism
The People, the Peace, The People, the Peace.
Sunday, 2 February, 2025. Internationalism
We re-iterate, the good work of the peace in Afghanistan is for the benefit of the Afghan people, what government they have is for the benefit of the people of Afghanistan. We continue to note the inaction of the UN during 21 years of conflict in Afghanistan, and we take a less than favourable view […]
Monday, 13 January, 2025
Mrs Rachel Reeves, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Monday, 13 January, 2025. Internationalism
Wednesday, 6 November, 2024
Wednesday, 6 November, 2024. Internationalism

Congratulations to Mr. Donald J. Trump, the successful elect of the office of President of the United States of America.
The latest addition to the international polity.
In this instance, our expectations for the progress of the peace are appropriately high.
Tuesday, 6 August, 2024
The Peace is More Than a Word, the Peace is Reality.
Tuesday, 6 August, 2024. Internationalism
For many years one half of the Holy Land has existed on international handouts coming from the United States, and the other half has tried to exist on international handouts coming from the United States but through the hands of a military government.
It isn't controversial to say so, it is simply the reality as it has transpired. If you in the United States have planned and created this strategy, you cannot complain when people see and identify the result and reality of your work all these years later.
The comparison between the culture of this conflict and the culture of the extremist right wing in both the US and UK is clear for all to see.
The extremists in the UK whom are rioting and attacking religious centres of worship, are simply trying to normalise the very same thought processes they see elsewhere but here, in the UK.
What is happening in the Holy Land is a tragedy.
Sunday, 4 August, 2024
You cannot win a war with nothing but headlines, you need the Peace.
Sunday, 4 August, 2024. Internationalism
We support the Palestinian cause of course, why wouldn't we?
The extremist right wing in the UK, miniscule as it is, should not be able to determine how the majority think.
We have a busy period coming up, with lots of social justice and sport on the horizon.
Hope you find it all as interesting as I do.
Saturday, 3 August, 2024
Good To Meet You, Dearest Friend.
Saturday, 3 August, 2024. Internationalism
You will not be surprised to learn, given all that we know, that we support the cause of Socialism, the British Labour Party, and the safety and security of the British people.
Monday, 29 July, 2024
Congratulations to Nicolás Maduro Moros, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Monday, 29 July, 2024. Internationalism

Despite an obvious and rather clumsy attempt to influence the election in Venezuela, by various habitually offensive private sector media corporations, we are happy to report that Nicolás Maduro Moros is again elected President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
So, here is the latest addition to the International Political arena.
Tuesday, 23 July, 2024
This is America. You're entitled to believe what you want.
Tuesday, 23 July, 2024. Internationalism
We wish the people and government of the United States of America well as they approach their election, and look forward to the outcome. Here in the United Kingdom you may have noticed the outcome of our own electoral cycle. Which I am, of course, personally pleased about.
Saturday, 18 May, 2024
Solidarity & Peace are a natural equation.
Saturday, 18 May, 2024. Internationalism
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller
Monday, 13 May, 2024
And then some...
Monday, 13 May, 2024. Internationalism
"The ballot is stronger than the bullet." - Abraham Lincoln
Saturday, 4 May, 2024
Solidarity, Internationalism, Peace.
Saturday, 4 May, 2024. Internationalism

Congratulations to Sadiq Aman Khan Mayor of London since 2016, & representing the British Labour Party; the latest addition to the international polity.
Tuesday, 2 April, 2024
Journey Through China's Cities - Urban Travel Documentary
Tuesday, 2 April, 2024. Internationalism
We have made a sturdy defence of our values in the eyes of all that humanity is capable of understanding, now we return to what humanity will come to understand.
As ever, Peace.
Wednesday, 27 March, 2024
The Value of Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation - Security Council Briefing
Wednesday, 27 March, 2024. Internationalism
Tuesday, 19 March, 2024
Together we bring you the knowledge and data needed for a sustainable Europe
Tuesday, 19 March, 2024. Internationalism
Sunday, 19 November, 2023
President Bashar al-Assad speech on Gaza (English Subtitles)
Sunday, 19 November, 2023. Internationalism
"You cannot reform your society or institution without opening your mind."
Saturday, 18 November, 2023
قصف مدفعي إسرائيلي يستهدف أطراف بلدة طير حرفا جنوب لبنان
Saturday, 18 November, 2023. Internationalism
"Be convinced that to be happy means to be free and that to be free means to be brave. Therefore do not take lightly the perils of war."
Friday, 17 November, 2023
Critical and Emergency Care patients from Gaza brought to Türkiye for treatment
Friday, 17 November, 2023. Internationalism
Thursday, 16 November, 2023
First Lady Erdogan speaks at the "One Heart for Palestine Summit" .
Thursday, 16 November, 2023. Internationalism
It is obvious the US and UK governments are "lost at sea" on the issue of Palestine.
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