In this image taken by the European Southern Observatory La Silla facility in the Atacama region of the Republic of Chile, an area of outstanding Astronomical and scientific research, we observe a large molecular cloud of dust and other material which is part of the local Galactic plane, the area of the local Galaxy that forms the central massif structure. Stars are forming within the molecular cloud, there is evidence of sculpting taking place at the right of this image where emission or reflected light is observed. The molecular cloud is dense enough in parts to dim the light from stars behind below the current exposure period of the recording instrument.
There is substantial evidence of colouration of the stars close to the molecular cloud in this image toward the red end of the visible light spectrum, matched alongside the loss of colour which is evident in the stars in other parts of the image. Loss of visible and distinct colour is common within astronomical images which have been exposed over long periods of time.
Dust and other matter within this image exists entirely within the local Galaxy and is typical of Galaxy matter, the molecular cloud is dense and constitutes the main mass of all matter within the Galaxy. While star formation represents condensed matter and contains a greater weight of actual material, stars are fusion states and contain matter which is in its heated energy state. The link between stars in their hot state and colder molecular cloud matter is still being researched.
Every star seen in this image regardless of its colour and size potentially can recycle into the molecular cloud over time, molecular clouds can therefore be seen as transitive regions containing previously used fusion matter which can then progress onto future star formation. The link between molecular cloud matter and exhausted matter from stars is not comprehensively known, although the suggestion is implied because the two are in direct proximity to one another.
Galaxies are dense of matter and the processes which occur here are entirely contained within the structure, every structure seen in this image is a manifestation of the Galaxies primary animation, that being rotation about a central point of heavy mass so the Galaxy can essentially be considered to be a near solid in terms of distribution and density of matter.
Outside the Galaxies area, the interstellar medium is possibly a void which contains no matter, nor any mass. A void cannot change dimension nor area because neither dimension or area are properties of voids. A void does not contain any property linked to mass, nor does a void contain any other attribute such as time or distance. It isn't known whether deep space outside Galaxies is a void, but the clarity with which Galaxies can be viewed over vast distances certainly suggests that deep space does not contain any material above the size of an atom.
It is unlikely the Universe matches with current theories of research regarding providence of creation, such as theories linked to evolution process or processes that can be described as linear. Current theories suggest that the Universe has a creation point and from that creation point direction and movement can be implied, the concept is a difficult one to understand because properties which do not exist within voids cannot then be applied to voids.
In recent history greater advances in technology, astronomy and physics have revealed better insights into the structure of formations which exist outside the Earth, theories about the providence of the Universe continue to develop. Established principles and theories have meaning within that research either in historic or logical form and all coalesce together to build a convincing architecture of understanding which would not exist otherwise.
It is not controversial to state that theories which have contemporary meaning can only last evidentially if their existence matches precisely with observation. At any given time it is always the case that contemporary thinking harbours beliefs and theories which do not make any immediate or obvious sense, in amongst more coherent theories which may be longer lived but may also ultimately fail to match with the evidence over a longer term.
The search for biological life elsewhere within our own Galaxy is of immense importance and does not collegiate within the confines of theory, it is an established and fully liberated fact beyond any other. Above, biological life is suspected to be routinely present in every part of this image. However, the technology required to see it does not currently exist; it is here that current theories regarding the existence of biological life are predisposed toward the logically flawed concept of life which is exotic and rare only to Earth. More cogent forms of technology will certainly renovate the prospects for the discovery of biological life within the local Galaxy in the future.
The notion that the local Galaxy contains biological life other than that which has developed here on Earth is easily understood because biological life manifests here on Earth so successfully. But science still does not understand the precise processes which gave rise to biological life from formative planetary processes. Current research and study provides for varying explanations involving evolution of organic cell matter from processes that exist within the atmosphere during the Earths formative development. The bolder part of biological life here on Earth is respiratory, with all forms of biological life consuming elements within the environment to generate energy.
Therefore, it is certain that biological life in its most successful form here on Earth is likely highly similar to biological life elsewhere within the local Galaxy. Certainly it is true that filtered radiation from the local system star combined with water are pre-requisites for the existence of biological life here on Earth.
Throughout Galactic space large quantities of matter exist which has great relevance in observation, molecular clouds which exist within the local Galaxy are bound to provide some degree of opacity to areas of observation, whether through dimming or colouring as they are viewed. Other Galaxies when viewed through deep space tend to provide the clearest insights of distantly viewed objects. Recent observations of near space telescopes when viewing far distant Galaxies have shown that the vast distances between Galaxies contain no opacity medium and have presented remarkably clear images for study.
At present there is debate ongoing about the size of Galaxies as they have been viewed during recent observations. Galaxies which are present within expanding space will have definite characteristics when considered within the context of light which takes time to traverse vast distances. Galaxies which are in expanding space can only be viewed at all after their light has arrived at the Earth. This should mean that all observations of Galaxies in expanding space have a specific perspective size when viewed, due to the expanding nature of space combined with the time it takes light to arrive from those objects at Earth. The notion of expanding space is partially accepted in Astronomy and much of physics for a number of reasons.
First, expanding space must expand in all directions at the same time and must be expanding to such a degree that the rate of expansion cannot exist in any measurable quantity excepting over vast distances, thereby removing its existence from any means of ordinary discovery using near distant objects.
Second, that expansion of space cannot occur if deep space is a void, unless during that expansion the void of deep space is generating material that gives the appearance or suggestion of expansion. Proponents of the expansion model have often used Electro-Magnetic Spectrum (EMS) analysis to suggest the rate of that expansion, often relying on expected visible light observation which has become near-infrared registered over distance. When light travels through deep space it travels in every part of the spectrum from long to short wave and visa-versa and depends entirely on the emission energy of the formation which first broadcast that light. Light does not travel or even exist in only one part of the spectrum, but light may be emitted from a body which is broadcasting light in only one part of the spectrum, or may be measured in only one part of the spectrum.
An object observed through deep space, being eminently a thing of great clarity, and broadcasting its light in only one part of the spectrum, can be surveyed and measured to detect if its light has then wandered into a different part of the EMS by the time its light arrives at a recording instrument. If the light then measured does not synchronise within the EMS with the light as it was broadcast then an assumption of expansion or contraction of space itself is then presumed, because the light measured in one place is at a differing frequency than the light as it was broadcast from another place; the two being separated by distance the scale of which would then enable the detection of rate of expansion.
The use of near-side or near-space telescopes to measure distances of Galaxies which exist outside our own does not, in and of itself, present any great practical gain but does allow potential revision of current models in astronomy and physics and further offers clarity of understanding within the global scientific community regarding dominant theories and their use.
Credit: European Southern Observatory